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September 14, 2015

Linguine with Chicken and Asparagus

Linguine with Chicken and Asparagus 1

I did a little decorating today, and I have to say that my kitchen prep station is much cheerier now for it. I’m sure you’ll recognize the quote, as it is also on the right side of this little blog. Ah, The Hobbit. How right you are.

Linguine with Chicken and Asparagus 3

Linguine with Chicken and Asparagus 2

I’ll be going on a little journey of my own this Thursday, though I do hope it is nowhere near as perilous as Bilbo’s trek to The Lonely Mountain, and that my own adventure will have 100% fewer giant spiders. I’m going to do the four-day hike from Cusco to Machu Picchu with a friend! I’m both excited and terrified, but you guys, I am going to hug so many llamas.

My friend Sara came over for dinner and to drop off Gregory, who will be accompanying me to Peru as my trusty sidekick.

Linguine with Chicken and Asparagus 4

I whipped this up for us, and it’s a pasta dish I’ve made many times before (though usually with shrimp). I did learn on this occasion, though, that not all jalapeños are created equal because whoooooooweeeee this one was spicier than any of the others I’ve ever used. So even though the recipe below says to use a whole jalapeño, it may be better to make sure your pepper doesn’t taste like the Fire of Mount Doom before tossing the entire thing in. Read more

August 17, 2015

Vietnamese Hollow Fried Bread (aka bánh tiêu)


I wrote multiple drafts of this post, all trying to be a little funny, a little witty, a little ha ha ha. But the fact is I don’t particularly feel like any of those things today; I just feel tired, but also very much relieved.

After only a few months in my beautiful apartment, I packed all my things up again and hauled it upstairs to the top floor into yet another new beautiful apartment — this time with a view and without a disruptive upstairs neighbor who had made it impossible for me to sleep for the last four months. Best of all, Disruptive Neighbor proved disruptive to his own roommate and got kicked out anyway.




But moving twice in one year — nay, in one season — is a bit much, and I am spent. I speed-unpacked just to get things feeling like home right away, but I’m still very much in new surroundings and very much craving some comfort in the form of foodstuffs that I can stuff into my maw as I melt my exhausted carcass onto the couch and fire up Hawaii Five-0 on the ol’ Netflix.

My mom grew up in Vietnam,* which means that when she craved comfort food, it was typically some kind of Vietnamese fare from her own youth. As she was the primary Provider of Food for our family, my siblings and I grew up eating a lot of these things with her. This means despite being surrounded by the cafeteria pizzas, pot roasts, and mac and cheeses of my Texas upbringing, a lot of my comfort foods are actually Vietnamese too. Funny how that works.

Most weekends, we’d go visit a tiny Vietnamese bakery next to the Asian grocer, and she’d pick up a bag of bánh tiêu, or Vietnamese hollow fried bread. They are shamelessly greasy because they’re deep-fried, though it’s no worse than a donut. They’re also just a little sweet, though not dessert-sweet by any means. In any case, they make a satisfying midday snack.


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June 30, 2015

Garlicky Tomato Pasta Salad with Sea Beans


‘Tis the season for picnic-ready salads here in the ol’ U.S. of A, especially with July 4th coming up this weekend. And because nothing goes together with amateur pyrotechnic displays as well as easy-to-eat and easy-to-share food from a cooler, I’m here to help with a delicious garlic-filled pasta salad.


A bonus is that there is minimal stove time involved (just however long it takes to boil water and cook your pasta of choice) so you don’t have to sweat it out too much to put this together. This is vitally important when you live in a city where air conditioning is a luxury and not a given, despite outside temperatures regularly reaching rotisserie-levels. Seattleites insist that the heat wave will only last for about a month.

“Only.” Read more

June 16, 2015

Orange Sponge Cake with Whipped Ricotta Filling


Another month, another cake! This one is for my friend Nicole — the same one who conquered her fear of cooking clams just a few weeks ago! Her birthday was this past weekend, so of course I had to provide her (and the office) with a celebratory cake. Any time you survive another year, it’s just cause to have a fête, if you ask me.

Nicole has a soft spot for puddings and custards, so I figured for her birthday, I’d try to capture the moist, rich qualities of those things with this: a citrus-y, spongy cake with soft ricotta filling. I used a combination of this recipe from The Life Harvest and this one from Tart to Heart.


Both are a take on the Italian dessert Schiacciata alla Fiorentina, though it seems like traditional recipes include yeast, whereas this one does not. I’ll certainly try the yeasted variety soon enough. Read more

June 1, 2015

Clams and Linguine


I know, I know. Two pasta recipes in a row? Am I some kind of madwoman?

I assure you that I’m not. Well, not that mad, anyway. I just really like pasta, you guys. Especially pasta that is clams and linguine.


This past weekend, my friend Nicole admitted that she had never cooked clams before and found the idea intimidating. “This will not do!” I cried, except in a much less dramatic fashion. So on Saturday, I picked up a bunch of manila clams from Taylor Shellfish Farms and Nicole came over to don a cute apron and help cook.

It’s nice to have a sous-chef!

The first time I cooked clams, I was nervous too, but it’s super easy. They cook really quickly, and if you’re worried about getting sick, just remember to toss out any clams that don’t open all the way after cooking; don’t force any open! The partly closed ones (or completely closed ones) were likely dead before you cooked them, and you don’t want to eat those. You can keep your clams alive and happy for up to a day by keeping them in the fridge, covered with a damp paper towel. Make sure they’re not in water, either. Read more

April 24, 2015

Coconut Tapioca Pudding with Vanilla Bean

Coconut Tapioca Pudding - final

My mind is in the tropics, with sand between the toes and an umbrella drink clutched in hand. Two weekends ago, I was in the Bahamas with my friend Sam, taking my first beach trip since I studied abroad in Sydney seven years ago, despite having reassured myself every month since then that a seaside retreat would come soon, so very soon. Sorry, self — I misjudged.

Once the beach was within sight, I stripped off my oversized gingham shirt like it was on fire and sprinted into the waves to do some hardcore frolicking.

Coconut Tapioca - 1
I didn’t even stop to check for sharks.

Speaking of which, dressing for the beach is so easy because it’s just 1) bathing suit and 2) something to cover that bathing suit. But in Seattle, it’s back to pants. Ugh. Pants, you guys. PANTS.

Coconut Tapioca - 11

Indulge me while I share some vacation snaps with you all, seeing as how my nice tropical tan will soon fade now that I’m back to spending 8+ hours a day indoors in an office. Just let me have this. Read more

March 25, 2015

New Digs & Good Ol’ Sandwich Bread


Well well well, it has been a while, hasn’t it? You look different — did you get a haircut? Oh, me? I didn’t get a haircut, but what I did get is a new apartment. I’ve been busy with moving these past few weeks, so for a while I was living in what seemed to be a very boring box-themed amusement park. But now I’ve officially bid farewell to my first Seattle home, and hello to my second — now with 800 square feet of lounging space! Finally, room enough for me to stretch my legs, and maybe dabble in the occasional breakdance routine.

Ready to get that boombox pumpin’

With the new apartment is a much bigger kitchen, and I am delighted to report that my range and oven setup is no longer fun-sized. That’s right, my oven can now hold two — that’s right, two — 9-inch cake pans at the same time on the same rack. This shit’s about to get real, y’all.

I don’t know about your method of unpacking and nesting, but the first box I always tackle is the one holding all my records and record player. This way, I can have some tunes immediately. Then, it’s on to unpacking and organizing the kitchen so I can break in the new cooking space pronto. All those other boxes can wait just a while longer.
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