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May 20, 2015

Chitarra with Broccolini and Lemony Breadcrumbs


I love shows where people travel around the world and eat delicious or weird (or delicious-weird) stuff. That kind of programming combines two of my favorite things: traveling and eating. I mean, if there was a travel-eating show that also included a 10-minute segment in every episode where Colin Firth just beats the tar out of various baddies whilst looking dashing? Might as well just call it Amy’s Favorite Show Ever: Don’t Bother Watching Anything Else, I Know I Won’t.


Don’t worry, this dish isn’t anything “weird-delicious,” though its source is from one of my favorite show hosts! Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods was definitely on my regular TV show rotation, and I keep up with his Twitter updates — mainly because he tweets about some interesting-sounding (and looking) dishes he eats at various restaurants all over the world. The other day, he tweeted out a recipe for “chitarra with broccoli rabe and lemony bread crumbs.” And uh, that sounded delicious, despite my not knowing what “chitarra” is, other than that it sounds a lot like an Avatar character.

Chitarra, or spaghetti alla chitarra, is an egg pasta that from what I can tell with my amateur pasta knowledge (gained entirely from consuming a lot of pasta), is about the same thickness as spaghetti, but is square-shaped instead of round. In my head, I call it “yellow square spaghetti,” which I’m sure I should never utter out loud to anyone who is actually a pasta connoisseur. Read more